Book Name: Fateh Africa Novel
Writer: Sadiq Hussain Siddiqui
The book Fateh Africa Novel Pdf is an Islamic history novel. Africa was a place where various tribes lived in the first century of Hijrah. It was the time of third Muslims Caliph Hazrat Usman when the Muslims entered in Africa. The story is about the Muslims invasions and victories in Africa (Fateh Africa Pdf). They killed the enemies on the battlefield but honoured the ordinary people in society.
Sadiq Hussain Siddiqui is a famous novelist and historian. He has a vast knowledge of the history of the world. He wrote many books and stories on the subject of the past. Sadiq gave much knowledge and interesting information to the readers through his novels.
Sadiq Hussain Siddiqui believes that the Muslims should know about the Past. They should learn a lesson from the early history of Islam and Muslims. They need to analyse the present conditions. Muslims should plan a better future. In this way, Muslims can revive their brighten time.
The author told in the book Fateh Africa Novel Pdf about the culture, civilisations, and customs of Africans. He gives a romantic touch to the story through the character of Halen. The novel Fateh Africa Pdf is fascinating and blood-summer.